Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Climax (Authentic Worship Part 2)

How do we know that we’ve reached the climax?  An aspect of the climax/worship one must consider in this tension is that “Worship…is not only the public acts we do as a gathered community [or private times of worship], but our very way of day-to-day life.”   

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Climax (Authentic Worship Part 1)

The object of people’s worship may be religious, material, ideological, or any number of things.  This is possible since worship, in its general sense, has to do with ascribing worth, and dedicating one’s self and resources, to someone or something.  Christians are not necessarily set apart from those who worship Mohammed, Buddha, or capitalism, etc., because of their acts of worship or their level of devotion.  Instead what sets true Christian worship