Monday, August 27, 2012

The Preacher and The Emcee….

The emcee is but one element of Hip Hop, but this one element has become the most influential component of Hip Hop. Ironically the emcee began as the sidekick to the DJ. These days that equation has almost been completely flipped it almost appears that the DJ is either a sidekick or completely forgotten about.

Because of the emcee’s visibility and position, most people measure the Hip Hop Culture by what they see and hear from the emcee. With this being the case it is somewhat understandable that the Church tends to frown on Hip Hop and sees it as the root cause of the urban community’s problems.  Negative images and messages aside, the preacher and the emcee are not that much different than each other.
Both the preacher and the emcee have been known to address social issues.  Both engage their audience with various “call and response” type deliveries.  Both use their creative abilities to make their messages relate able to the audience.   Both are unique art forms..and both can lose credibility when they lose touch with their audience.

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