Monday, September 30, 2013

Revisiting the “Whole Gospel”: Toward a Biblical Model of Holistic Mission in the 21st Century

Review of Jean-Paul Heldt's article

I wanted to share some thoughts about an article I recently read by Jean-Paul Heldt, Revisiting the “Whole Gospel”:  Toward a Biblical Model of Holistic Mission in the 21st Century.  Heldt introduces a statement by Speer, “evangelization is nothing less than the good news in action.  Thus, mission is generally bound up with the message of salvation, and so in order to understand the nature of mission we need to come to terms with the terminology of salvation.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Rob Bell and Andrew Wilson Debate Homosexuality and the Bible

Andrew Wilson debates Rob Bell on same-sex marriage, how to interpret Scriptures regarding homosexuality, and what culture has to do with it.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why We Need the ‘Hood

In a previous article I talked about some lessons I’ve learned during my short tenure of being a white church planter in an all black ‘hood. My wife and I are taking this thing one day at a time, taking each learning experience as it comes.
There have been many glorious days, like when a good friend comes to the Lord. There have also been many trying and difficult days, like when a person you love gets locked up; or when chaotic stresses press in, and when the unhealthy obsession with ministry pounds, like an angry mistress on your marriage’s door.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Americans Love The Bible But Don't Read It Much, Poll Shows

By Caleb Bell
Religion News Service
(RNS) More than half of Americans think the Bible has too little influence on a culture they see in moral decline, yet only one in five Americans read the Bible on a regular basis, according to a new survey.
More than three-quarters of Americans (77 percent) think the nation's morality is headed downhill, according to a new survey from American Bible Society.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dan Kimball: When 'Theology' Gets in the Way

I am not someone who cries often, but lately I have found myself emotionally moved to the point of tears several times.

What is causing such a strong emotional reaction? The rhetoric and tone some Christians use when they differ with others on theology or ministry methodology. I am not talking about major doctrines of historical orthodoxy. When such foundational teachings are compromised, we are instructed to defend the faith, teach correction, guard doctrine (1 Tim. 4:16). I also love robust arguments and fun discussions about our differences as evangelicals.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Breaking Out of The Christian Ghetto

Unbelievable, I said to myself, surveying my office. I had just been hired by a Christian organization, a place as close to paradise as I could imagine: no profanity, no off-color jokes, and no tales of drunken weekends. Having worked in the secular marketplace for more than 12 years, I now breathed in the wholesome air like a person getting a second chance at life. Could it get any better than this?

As it turned out, things became a little too good. I quickly settled into a routine of work, church, family and friends all Christian. I often felt a twinge of guilt when I thought of Lynn, a non-Christian co-worker at my former job. She had opened up to me about her personal problems, and I had befriended her and shared my faith with her.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Who's the pastor?

Review and insight from We Have This Ministry by Samuel Proctor and Gardner Taylor

In an age of declining youth and young adults desiring to be a part of organized religion, the church must evaluate what has caused this precipitous decent.  We must take a hard look at those who are charged with and aid our spiritual growth, the pastor.  Of course the pastor doesn't get all the blame, but he/she is the spiritual leader or undershepherd of congregations across the US and beyond thus necessitating the need to look at these spiritual leaders.  In The Last Dragon (click HERE to reminisce/remember), Sho'nuff asked Bruce Leroy the question, "Who's the Master?"  But Bruce was unwilling to acknowledge that Sho'nuff was the master.  Why?  Could it be that Sho'nuff did not exhibit the character of a master?  I also believe that Bruce Leroy realized that being the master wasn't about him, but those he cared about.  So I ask the question, "Who's the pastor?"

Friday, January 25, 2013

What will cause the great falling away?

"At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.12Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 24:10)

I bet you have some great friends, I know I do. I believe they would drop everything to be there for me just as I would for them. Local churches are full of groups that consider themselves close. Yet Jesus says in the end times that MANY of these “friends” will betray and hate each other.